The Legal System Has Failed It's Promise of Equal Justice
From police to prosecutors to courts and legislatures, both federal and state systems benefit the rich while harming people who are poor. The justice system is premised on the notion that rich and poor are treated equally. But today, access to justice is based on how much a person can pay. People who are poor are systematically treated worse than the wealthy. For example, people without financial means remain in jail prior to trial because they can't afford bail, resulting in a higher conviction rate. Individuals who can't afford to pay off court debt have their licenses suspended, sending them into an inescapable cycle of unemployment and hardship. These counterproductive policies result in an endless cycle of poverty. There is a legal group called 'Equal Justice Under Law', they are designed to bring about the change our justice system desperately needs - to STOP the seemingly endless cycle of burdens placed on people struggling to get by. They represent those who...